Instead of Buying Into a Franchise

Have you ever thought about starting your own business, but may be unsure of what type of business to start? If you’re a person that takes exceptional pride in your cleaning abilities and has a deep desire to be their own boss then, you may want to consider looking into starting a professional cleaning business. When you first decide to start a cleaning business, your options are most likely to start a local company or buy into a franchise. If you’re having trouble determining which route is the best for your situation, this post explains five reasons why you should start a locally owned cleaning business.
High Demand
The cleaning industry is booming with opportunities. Commercial and residential cleaning jobs are in high demand and are expected to have a higher job increase than the above the national average for all industries. Through 2026, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that cleaning services will experience a 10% growth in jobs.
Relatively Fast & Low Cost Start-Up
A plus side of starting a local cleaning business is that it overall is a relatively fast process to begin. You can be up and running within one month, being that it is a quick business to initially set up. Little start-up equipment is needed and can be leased, rented, or purchased gently used. There also is no need for you to rent expensive office space to successfully operate your business. In general, it is much faster than buying into a cleaning franchise that often requires expensive start-up fees and specific types of equipment. A local cleaning company literally requires a fraction of the start-up resources mandatory to run a franchised cleaning business. Starting a local cleaning business allows you the freedom to decide what and where you would like to purchase your supplies and cleaning equipment.
Manage Your Own Time & Schedule
If you’re a self-starter with an excellent work ethic, setting up a local cleaning business may be just the right fit for you. Starting a local cleaning business allows you the freedom to be your own boss and gives you the ability to set your own schedule. Being a local business provides you with the opportunity to grow your cleaning company as big as you want. There are many cases where many new entrepreneurs have worked hard and have built their cleaning service companies into million dollar businesses. Being able to call all of the shots, you can keep your business small or grow your cleaning service over many decades.
Service Flexibility
Not being bound by the protocol of a franchise cleaning business allows you the freedom to offer a wide variety of cleaning services. It also gives you the ability to customize a plan for a client. To maximize your profits, you can add painting, blind cleaning, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, construction demo clean-up, or steam cleaning. If you have many commercial offices or businesses as clients, there's a high chance they will need cleaning services on a regular basis. To scale your business, try phasing in additional cleaning services as you grow your clientele.
Ability To Build Lasting Client Relationships
Fancy marketing and customer recognition is initially how franchised cleaning services gain clients but, over time customers end up regretting the decision. Starting your own local cleaning service allows you the opportunity to build lasting client relationships by providing them with a customized, detail-oriented experience.
Ohio Building Services hopes this post has made your start-up decision easier by laying out a few benefits of starting a local cleaning company and wishes you all the best on your next entrepreneurial adventure.