At Ohio Building Services, we develop solutions built to best fit the exact size and needs of our clients. Which brings up a common question business owners of all sizes have: How often should I clean my office?
Well the short answer is dependent upon your office size as well as the quantity of employees you have working within it. At Ohio Building Services, we service clients who look to have their offices cleaned on a weekly or biweekly basis. Based on our experience with clients, a minimum of 2x a week for a regular sized office with more than 15 employees is ideal to prevent dirt build-up and maintain quality for their employees.
Another important factor that determines the cleaning frequency would be the office's quantity and size of their bathroom facilities. Bathrooms, as we all may know, become very dirty, very quickly. It is extremely important to be sure to maintain the highest quality of cleanliness within your bathrooms not only for employees but any clientele that may be within your office space.
So it is ideal for you as the business owner or office manager to take these measures into consideration to maintain cleanliness as well as an optimal workspace for your employees.
If you have a small office, like to keep up your work space for yourself, or even a one-person home office and want to check out some tips on how to keep them clean yourself, check out the article below:
Credit: The Self Employed